"A white cup of tea with slices of pineapple and strawberries floating in the infusion. The cup is set on a light purple background, next to a rolled-up yoga mat and light purple dumbbells."

Peppermint & Berries: A Soothing Blend for Rela...

Peppermint & Berries: A Soothing Blend for Relaxation Discover the tranquility of Illa Tea's Peppermint & Berries blend, crafted to help you unwind and find peace amidst the chaos of...

Peppermint & Berries: A Soothing Blend for Rela...

Peppermint & Berries: A Soothing Blend for Relaxation Discover the tranquility of Illa Tea's Peppermint & Berries blend, crafted to help you unwind and find peace amidst the chaos of...

"A white cup of infusion with slices of guava, kiwi, pineapple, and lemongrass floating inside. The cup sits on a pastel green background, next to a laptop and a calculator."

Lemongrass & Green Fruits: A Vitamin C Powerhouse

Lemongrass & Green Fruits: A Vitamin C Powerhouse Discover the refreshing health benefits of Illa Tea's Lemongrass & Green Fruits blend. This potent infusion combines lemongrass with pineapple, golden berry,...

Lemongrass & Green Fruits: A Vitamin C Powerhouse

Lemongrass & Green Fruits: A Vitamin C Powerhouse Discover the refreshing health benefits of Illa Tea's Lemongrass & Green Fruits blend. This potent infusion combines lemongrass with pineapple, golden berry,...

"A white cup of infusion with slices of apple, guava, and hibiscus floating on top. The cup sits on a rose red background next to two ceramic bowls containing dehydrated fruit."

"Unleashing the Power of Cinnamon & Red Fruits"

Cinnamon & Red Fruits: A Powerful Antioxidant Blend Discover the health-enhancing benefits of cinnamon combined with nutrient-rich red fruits. Our blend features: Cinnamon: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps regulate blood...

"Unleashing the Power of Cinnamon & Red Fruits"

Cinnamon & Red Fruits: A Powerful Antioxidant Blend Discover the health-enhancing benefits of cinnamon combined with nutrient-rich red fruits. Our blend features: Cinnamon: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps regulate blood...

 "A white cup of infusion with slices of pineapple, strawberry, star anise, and mango floating inside. The cup sits on a sunset orange background, next to three small, yellow lit candles and a wooden incense holder with a burning incense stick."

Anise & Tropical Fruits, Healthy soothing blend

These ingredients create a delicious and beneficial infusion that will please your taste buds and body. The anise and pineapple work together to soothe and aid digestion, while the strawberries,...

Anise & Tropical Fruits, Healthy soothing blend

These ingredients create a delicious and beneficial infusion that will please your taste buds and body. The anise and pineapple work together to soothe and aid digestion, while the strawberries,...

Unveiling the Golden Berry: Health Benefits and Versatile Uses

Unveiling the Golden Berry: Health Benefits and...

Welcome to the ILLA TEA blog, where we uncover the wonders of nature's treasures. Today, we explore the golden berry (Physalis peruviana), a small yet powerful fruit with incredible health...

Unveiling the Golden Berry: Health Benefits and...

Welcome to the ILLA TEA blog, where we uncover the wonders of nature's treasures. Today, we explore the golden berry (Physalis peruviana), a small yet powerful fruit with incredible health...

Cinnamon & red fruits infusion sachet and box

Learn more about the benefits of ILLA Tea´s inf...

Learn more about each of our tea´s ingredients and how they benefit your health!

Learn more about the benefits of ILLA Tea´s inf...

Learn more about each of our tea´s ingredients and how they benefit your health!